Why wallabag.it subscription will increase

History of wallabag.it

wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.

For those who don’t want or can’t host wallabag by themselves, we launched wallabag.it on December 2016. wallabag.it is the quality service that you need to host wallabag. You have a quality hosting, a professional support, automatic upgrades and daily backups.

There are several subscriptions:

  • 9€ per year
  • 3€ for 3 months
  • 25€ per year if you really love wallabag 🦘 and if you can pay this amount.

wallabag.it is almost 7 years old.
Since the beginning, we have not changed the pricing.

But our web hoster increased its prices at the beginning of the year. That’s why we decided to update ours.

Our new pricing

In coming weeks, the new pricing will be :

  • 11€ per year (less than one coffee per month!)
  • 4€ for 3 months
  • 30€ per year if you really love wallabag 🦘 and if you can pay this amount.

What about our competitors?


  • 39.99€ yearly: it costs 260% more than new wallabag.it pricing.
  • 4.49€ monthly (53,88€ per year): it costs 390% more than new wallabag.it pricing.


  • 29,99€ yearly: it costs 172% more than new wallabag.it pricing.
  • 2,99€ monthly (35,88€ per year): it costs 226% more than new wallabag.it pricing.


  • 22$ yearly (20€): it costs 82% more than new wallabag.it pricing.


We work regularly on wallabag.it platform.

In coming days, we’ll update the instance, by adding new features:

  • Mass action to add tags to articles
  • A new setting to show / hide articles thumbnails (useful for slow connections)
  • Add Stripe support to pay your subscription

Maintenance on Saturday 22, July

Our great sysadmin have to upgrade our servers. That’s why wallabag.it will be closed on Saturday 22, July. It should be a quick intervention (few hours).

Have a great day!


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