Why wallabag.it subscription will increase
History of wallabag.it
wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.
For those who don’t want or can’t host wallabag by themselves, we launched wallabag.it on December 2016. wallabag.it is the quality service that you need to h...
What's new on wallabag.it? - June 2022
Almost a year since my last email. But wallabag is still alive and active.
I just upgraded wallabag.it platform and here is the changelog:
- the baggy theme has been deprecated and will be removed in next version (only the material theme will remain).
- Delicious import (if you still have creden...
What recently happened on wallabag.it
It’s been a long time that I didn’t write some news here. It’s because I have a lot of work on wallabag.it.
As you can see, we changed the blog. Technically, it was before based on wordpress, a famous blog engine. But for a little blog like ours, it was a little bit overkilled. Today, it’s...
Week 18 - What's new on wallabag.it?
Some news for the last week on wallabag.it.
Save articles by email
Due to a bug (which is now fixed), we resetted the IMAP setting. You need to create a new token. Sorry for this issue 😢
On the subscription page, you can now retrieve all your invoices.
Tags edition is f
...Week 17 - What's new on wallabag.it?
Hello there!
I will try to write to you here every week to give you some news about wallabag.it.
Save articles by email
It's a looong request feature (https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues/239 wow, 2013).
You can now save articles by sending an email. You need to enable this feature...
Eight annual subscriptions to win
wallabag is an application for saving web pages: save and classify articles. Read them later. Unlike its competitors, wallabag respects your privacy.
wallabag was born in april 2013. Eight years old, wow.
wallabag.it is a service to easily use wallabag: no need to have technical knowledge!
...Save articles from ATOM / RSS feeds
It was a long overdue feature: you can now have RSS or ATOM feeds directly into your wallabag account. Each hour, this feed is updated (or you can update it manually).
If you want to save an article from your favorite feed, you need to click on the save icon and that's all.
For the time being,...
How to learn a foreign language thanks to wallabag

As you know, wallabag is an application to save and archive web articles. It's so useful if you don't have time to read articles and if you want to be sure to keep a version of a web page (did you already imagine if your favorite website suddenly closes?).
With wallabag, you can save an artic...
December 2020: what's new on wallabag.it
Some news for the last week on wallabag.it.
Dark side of wallabag
wallabag has finally a dark mode. You can enable it by clicking on the account icon.
Bugs fixed
This new version fixes a lot of bugs (you can see the changelog here)
Import tags from Pocket
When you imported d...
Christmas lottery: three “6 months pack” to win!
For Christmas, we launch a lottery: three of our clients (you just need to have a valid subscription before Monday, December 26 10am Paris time) will be drawn by lot and will earn six months of additional subscription.
These winners will be announced on this blog and on our twitter account.
...All wallabag.it websites unavailable on December, 22 during 8 hours
Our websites were unavailable during 8 hours today. We are sorry for this inconvience.
On December, 21 at 22pm (Paris time), our server didn’t respond. Our monitoring service alerted us and our websites were available quickly (websites were down for 17 minutes and 7 seconds).
Few minutes later...
After a few weeks, it’s time to take stock
I started wallabag 4 years ago. It was a personal project. Today, this application — to save web articles and read them later on your computer, your smartphone, your tablet or even your ereader — is used by hundreds of people.
Quickly, wallabag took me more and more time. I decided to try to w...