Week 17 - What's new on wallabag.it?

Hello there!

I will try to write to you here every week to give you some news about wallabag.it.

Save articles by email

It's a looong request feature (https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues/239 wow, 2013).

You can now save articles by sending an email. You need to enable this feature on your config screen (https://app.wallabag.it/config#set7).

You will have a private email address (something like save+your-username+secret-token@wallabag.it). Each URL in the body of the email will be save into your account.

If you have some issues with this new feature (and I know there are), please contact me at nicolas@wallabag.it.

New menu

The left menu was so long. To avoid distraction, I removed some links to put them into a new account menu (at the top of your screen). Now, in the sidebar, you only have stuff about articles. Just read!

Improved tags list

The tags list (https://app.wallabag.it/tag/list) was very ugly ... You now have something clearer.

Button to disable 2FA

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds security to your account. You can enable 2FA (https://app.wallabag.it/config#set3) by email or with an OTP application (like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP).

There was a bug: no button to disable it. It's now fixed.

That's all for this week. Have a nice day, take care of yourself!


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