Because wallabag is open source, and because your privacy is important, we don't resell your data.
And it's so easy to check in our sourcecode!
If you're a developer and you want to connect your application to wallabag, we offer you an API. Here is the documentation.
Hosted in EU
Because your data belongs to you, we don't want to store them on US servers. That's why we only chose European partners, like Online (french web hoster), MailJet (french emailing service) or PayPlug (french payment solution).
You can leave our service at any time and with your data and reimport them into your own wallabag instance.
But you are also free to stay here ;-) !
Introducing the service to save articles
which respects your privacy
wallabag is an open source application to save your web articles and allows you to read them later, on your smartphone, your tablet or your ereader. We propose to you a quality service to host your account: you'll get the latest version of the application and you'll get a professional support.
Thanks to the support subscription, the service will become better and more sustainable.
Thanks to the annual subscription, you earn 3 months of subscription and you can be serene: you need only think about saving web articles.
Thanks to the 3 months subscription, you can leave us sooner and get your freedom again.
Here are the different prices:
- 30€ for one year ⭐️ support subscription ⭐️
- 11€ for one year
- 4€ for 3 months
Try it for free: you'll get a 14-day free trial with no limitation (no credit card information required).